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Ben & Sons Rebrand
Branding, Research, Watch Design, Industrial Design, Product Design, Illustrator, InDesign
One of the major challenges faced at SWI was the complete overhaul of the Ben & Sons brand. This is a collection of watches originally conceived as vintage inspired; however, over the coarse of time, lack of brand vision and leveraging of factory design, the brand language had become lost and muddled. The rebranding effort was a necessary step in its relaunch under its original ideal.



BCBG Sketch

Nicole Miller sketches

Nicole Miller sketches 2

Ted Baker Isla Sketch

KCNY Sketch

Quick sketch of my trusty pencil sharpener #idsketching #industrialdesign #scadalumni #scadindustria

Having fun with something new

Quick sketch of an aviator style 🛩 #watches #art #sketch #watchdesign #industrialdesign #jhood22des

BEN & SONS Mercury Concept Sketch

BEN & SONS Diver Concept

BEN & SONS Aviator Watch Sketch

Swiss Legend Mens Concepts

Swiss Legend Ladies Concepts

Ladies Swiss Legend Sketch

Crocs Mens Sketch

Crocs Ladies Sketch

Crocs Girls Sketch

Crocs Boys Sketch

Crocs Ladies Sketch

Crocs Ladies Sketch

Crocs Packaging Sketches

Crocs Digital Watch Concepts
Crocs Connected Watch Designs

Crocs Digital Concepts

Crocs Digital Concepts

Hair Dryer Sketch

Arsenal Sling Bag Sketch

Golf Bag Sketch

Ski Goggle Sketch

UnderArmour Snowboarding Boot Sketch

Under Armour Lacrosse Elbow Pads

Hands Sketch

Aviator Watch Sketch 1

Aviator Watch Sketch 2

Diesel Blazer Display Watch Sketch

Diesel Lady Gemini Watch Sketch

Diesel: Lady Luck Watch Sketch

Diesel: Jäger Concept Sketch

Diesel Concept Sketches
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